Introducing New Boston Terrier To The Family

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Hi and Welcome Everyone!

This is Sharda with Boston Terrier newsletter!

Today, we will talk about introducing new Boston Terrier to your family members!

You’ve held him in your arms, so you know how fragile he is.

Now that you are about to introduce him to a whole host of strangers, you must expect him to be frightened and bewildered—first by so many human beings and in strange surroundings.

So, let’s start with today’s Boston Terrier newsletter!


Take him out of the box gently, avoiding picking him up by the nape of his neck or by his two front legs.

Instead, place one hand under his chest and front legs, with the other between his hind legs and under his belly.

Now, allow him to rest on his forearm against your body, so that he stays safe. Hold him down firmly so that he doesn’t wriggle.

Sit him down on his bed. Slowly, watch him get up and wander around his corner, sniffing at the newspapers. Let him stand on them until he urinates.

Now, leave him to sniff around and explore the rest of the house, but watch that he doesn’t break anything or get mischievous.

It’s still too early to pick him up or pet him. If your family crowds around him, clicking their tongues or making loud noises, discourage it immediately.

But yes, watch him carefully; talk to him in a low voice, assuring him everything is fine.

If you like, you could even give him a toy, say an old rag knotted together or a hard rubber bone, and let him play with it for a while. Once that is done, give him a little water to drink and some food he is familiar with.

If he prefers to go to sleep after that feed, let him. This means he is adjusting to his new home.

Never mind how comfortable you’ve been trying to make him comfortable. His first night will be miserable for you and for him. He will whine, cry and howl all through the night, being homesick.

And listening to it, you won’t be able to sleep. If the world seems like a dull, dark place, wait till the morning. He’s sure to feel better in the morning.

Hold him in your arms and comfort him a few times. But don’t do it so often that he gets the impression that this is acceptable behaviour.


Fill an old-fashioned earthenware jug with hot water. Cork it absolutely tightly and wrap it in an old bath towel. Now, place it in a corner, near his bed.

He will gravitate towards it and curl up next to it, remembering his mother’s warm body.

If you don’t have a jug, you could use a warm brick but don’t use a hot-water bottle as he may chew the rubber and get scalded by the hot water.

If the above method doesn’t appeal to you, take an alarm clock and place it under his blanket or mattress. The ticking of the clock will sound like his siblings’ hearts beating, and will soon comfort him.

Despite this, if you hear him cry, let him sleep in your room, away from the draft for a couple of nights. This should accustom him to his own bed and he will soon learn to sleep there all by himself.

But if he howls once more, be firm with him and let him howl till he tires. If your family complains, assure them this won’t recur.

Your Boston Terrier’s first few months with you: In his first few months with you, you’re going to go through a whole gamut of experiences as he grows from puppyhood into a youngster.

Right from bedwetting and chewing, this hungry little animal will be part of your daily routine and will always occupy your mind.

It’s important that you never become frightened or nervous, lest you forget anything. If at all you forget to feed him once, give him a dose of cod liver oil. Even if he’s hungry, he won’t be sick.

But if you habitually forget such things, it will only result in your pup growing up into a weakling.

That’s it for today.

I hope that you learned something from today’s Boston Terrier newsletter.

All the best and take care

Sharda Baker