On Command Potty Training Methods For Puppies!

Picture taken from www.photopumpkin.com

Picture taken from www.photopumpkin.com

From the Desk of Sharda Baker

Good day and welcome everyone!

This is Sharda with another potty train newsletter.

Let’s get to know them more by seeing their appearance

Have a  look at some easy potty training methods for puppies!

Here we go!

Teaching your dog to urinate on command is not as difficult as it sounds, and is a wonderful behaviour to teach both for house training or potty training for when you are traveling.

The key to on command potty training is to monitor the dog constantly, and be prepared to give praise and reward for doing the right thing at the right time.

Check out: How To Potty Train Your Dog in 7 Days  Guaranteed!

To start a program of on command toileting is relatively simple. The key is to catch the dog just as he or she is about to urinate. As soon as you see the leg lift on a male dog or the squat of a female dog, give the command you wish to use.

This can be “Get Busy”, “Tinkle” or “Toilet”. The command word itself is not important, but it should not sound like any other commands or the dog will become confused.

A word like “Go” should be avoided because it sounds too much like “No” and will lead to a problem with training. Always make sure everyone working with the dog is giving the same command.

You may also want to consider the fact that you may have to give the command when others are around, so make sure it is a not offensive word or something that is inappropriate to say in public.

With the sign that the dog is going to urinate, the verbal command is given. Immediately after the dog finishes, there should be lots of praise and a treat.

If the dog goes in the correct area before you give the command, don’t punish or reprimand the dog, simply praise them for using the toilet area.

The key to on command training understands when the dog is associating your command with the act of relieving him or herself. If you notice the dog looks up at you in the toilet area, they are likely waiting for the command to urinate.

Be sure to praise, and give lots of treats when the dog urinates on command.

Some points to keep in mind for on command training include:

  • This works by pairing a natural behaviour with a command, and the more frequently it is done, the quicker the dog will understand the connection.
  • Treats are very important, so buy some small sized good quality treats and keep them with you when you are walking or outside with the dog.
  • When first starting out, go to areas that are “attractive” to a dog for urinating, including areas where other dogs go.
  • Learn your dog’s behaviour by observing how they act before they have to go – this will help you time the command.

Check out: How To Potty Train Your Dog in 7 Days  Guaranteed!

  • Use the same spot as a toilet area until your dog is using the on command routine perfectly before using it in unfamiliar areas.
  • Always praise the dog for a job well done, especially when they are outside in new places.
  • If the dog does not go on command do not punish them. Start back in the familiar area and go slowly to giving the command in other areas.

Usually on command training is only done after the dog has been potty trained or during the process, when the puppy or dog understands the toilet area, either inside or outside of the house.

I hope that you learned a lot from today’s potty train newsletter

All the best and take care

Sharda Baker