Preparing For A Pug Puppy – Adjustments In Your Home

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Good day and welcome everyone!

This is Sharda with another Pugs newsletter.

Here we go!

Many owners wonder about the possibility about bringing home a Pug.

Will it bring about a complete change of lifestyle?

Will your life revolve around the animal?

Will this cause a lot of heartburn among the family- How will your husband and little kids accept this new member of the family?

But if you have resolved these and any other problems and you as a family are mentally ready for a pet—and a Pug at that—you’ll have to get down to some serious hard work.

You’ll have to prepare your house for the new member. Enlist your family’s help for this:

Preparing For A Pug Puppy – Adjustments in your home:

  • Make your house confusion-free for your new Pug: Before you actually drive down to bring home your new pet; prepare your home for any unnecessary and unprecedented stress and confusion both to yourself and your pet.

In order to do this, you need to begin by laying down the rules. Who among your family is going to be responsible for this pet- Set up a schedule for his various activities such as grooming, feeding, exercising, cleaning, and playtime and off-limit areas.

  • First, the necessary supplies: Have you bought all the necessary supplies already- Good. This should include your Pug’s food, food and water bowls, leash, collar, identification, brush, bed and shelter.
  • A local vet: Now, find a local veterinarian for your pet. Ask around and find out by word of mouth if you can who is a good vet. Take your pug puppy to the vet within the first 10 days of buying him.

If you do this, your vet will do a complete body examination so that he can verify the breeder’s certificate of health. After this, he will give your pup another batch of vaccinations. Take care to see that your pup is vaccinated at the ages of eight, 12 and 16 weeks.

As a new owner, you should take precautions to see that your pup is not exposed to any other dogs before he has been given his last set of vaccinations.

If you go against this rule by taking him to the dog park, your pup may just be exposed to illnesses that his body is still ill equipped to resist.

Often, Pug puppies are born with a problem of worms or a lactose infection. This results in loose bowels but can be easily tested by doing a stool culture. If he tests positive, your vet could give him oral medicine to set him right.

  • Put your Pug’s best foot forward: Your next job is to introduce your new Pug to each of your existing pets. Do this slowly and one by one, until they grow used to each other. In their first encounter, they will size each other up on their species, breed, size, gender, age, temperament and health.
  • Close all doors: Keep all the doors of your house closed, particularly those of the washer/dryer, closets and cupboards and any other areas you don’t want him to enter. Lastly, be patient and loving, and encourage him to adjust to his new life in your home.
  • Pet-proofing your home: Now, pet-proof your home. This means putting away all household chemicals such as cleansers, insecticides and antifreeze. Also, remove rat or mouse poisonings and windshield wiper fluid from your house.

Are all the poisonous substances and sharp objects in your home out of your Pug’s reach- And what about garbage, medicine, pins, elastic needles and thread- Keep them away from his reach and scrutiny too.

If you have houseplants, figure out the poisonous ones and keep them out of his reach. Determine areas where the new pet may roam about in and other areas where your existing pets may use.

I hope that you learned a lot from today’s Pugs newsletter

All the best and take care

Sharda Baker