Pug dog medical issues you need to know

Picture taken from www.puppydogweb.com

Picture taken from www.puppydogweb.com

Are you considering breeding or taking care of a Pug?

Then, perhaps you ought to know just which medical problems they usually suffer from so that you can be prepared for them.

Also, before buying, you can ask the breeder for medical certificates of the Pug so you know which disorders he is particularly prone to.


To begin your Pug’s regimen of health care, begin with the use of home health exams.

Learn to diagnose that something is wrong early enough as even you realize that animals don’t speak, so enduring pain and discomfort is so much more difficult for them.

A simple and easy way of keeping your Pug dog healthy is to have a regular home examination. Begin with his head. Are his eyes bright and clear? While older Pugs do have a blue-gray haze over their eyes, this is certainly natural. Are there scratches or blemishes on his corneas?

Yet another way of testing his eyes is to shine a light into your Pug’s eyes and then turn the light away. Do your Pug’s pupils contract when the light is shone on his eyes and do they expand when the light is removed?

What about his face? If his nose and folds are left dirty and are not dried regularly, it will give rise to a yeast infection that will make his face stink. To treat this, wash his face with a solution of four parts of water to one part hydrogen peroxide.

Dip a napkin in the solution and run it over his nose fold and face wrinkles, but see that it doesn’t get into his eyes or nose. Ensure that his nose and folds are completely dry by wiping them dry with another washcloth.

Now dab diaper rash medication to help keep the area dry, but never use powder as it will only cake up and cause more problems. For more advice, speak to your vet.

Now, travel down to his ears, a source of infection and infestation. Since the Pug’s ears lie flat against the head, they invite a series of problems.
In this position, they resemble the front flap of a purse and are helpful for preventing debris and dust from entering the ear, though it does manage to trap in moisture and heat.

This area is also a fertile ground for bacteria and parasites. If you do examine your Pug’s ears, let your eye travel as far down his ear canal as possible.

If you see what looks like very dark “dirt” deep down in his ear, this may be ear mites. Take him to the vet and have his ears attended to.

Now, over to his mouth, open his mouth gently with your fingers. Go so close to his mouth that you can smell his breath. If you get a nasty smell, it means he has dental problems. Next, check his teeth and gums.

If they are firm and pink, they’re healthy. Press a part of his gums and wait. If his gums turn white, release the pressure and remove your finger and watch the rosy pink colour return.

Examine the Pug’s teeth in the same way as you would yours. Check for signs of neglect, perhaps dark tartar and stained teeth. Broken or chipped teeth are signs of infection and the source of serious medical problems.

Now, examine his forelegs, neck and shoulders. Pat his coat all over his body, checking for abrasions, cuts and bumps. If his coat is shiny, he’s doing fine.

Now, look closely at your Pug’s paws, toes, nails and the rectal area. Now, roll him over on his back and look at his chest, belly and groin too.

Routine examinations are a great way of keeping your Pug in great shape. As soon as you find your pet is hurt or injured, start the treatment. Ask your vet to set up a regular diagnostic checkup routine that you can perform.

If you spend this kind of time with your Pug, you can let him lead a healthful life.


  1. His tail is no longer curled
  2. There’s a discharge from his nose or mouth
  3. He runs a temperature of about 101ºF
  4. His ears turn red
  5. He may vomit too and he may eat grass to induce vomiting.

All in all just like a child.. we need to keep an eye on our dogs.. and knowing the signs helps enormously.