Pug Fear of Noises and Other Phobias and how to over come them

Picture taken from www.puppydogweb.com

Picture taken from www.puppydogweb.com

Some Pugs are afraid of loud noises.

Your Pugs destructive behaviour may be caused by fear.

The destruction occurs when they are exposed to loud noises, such as thunderstorms, firecrackers or construction sounds, and if the primary damage is to doors, doorframes, window coverings, screens or walls.

As thunder rolls and lightning flashes, does your Pug cower under the kitchen table or your bed?

Do you find him trembling in fear?

Coaxing him to come out of his hiding place can be very difficult and finally you give up.

Noise anxiety is not something dogs take kindly to. You can reduce severe noise anxiety if you want to desensitize your pup to noise.

Overcoming your dog’s fears of loud noises and other phobias:

Your Pug pup could be averse to a whole range of loud sounds such as thunder and lightning, firecrackers, the rumbling of an engine of a passing vehicle, deep voices, etc.

To help him overcome his fears, the first step for you is to identify the ones that bother him most.

Next, set about an association reaction. The moment you hear the first clap of thunder, take out the dog treats and before he begins to cower, give him a treat for each time that he does not run away from the sound and you. If he sits in the stay position, reward him.

On a tape recorder, record the most severe noises of thunder or noises that your Pug fears. Play back the sounds, beginning on a low volume, gradually increasing it. Note your dog’s reaction all the while.

If he is desensitized to the sound, you will find him reacting less intensely to the loudest sounds you play. Though this process may take a while, you know best that you have helped your Pug overcome his fears when he sits by your side on a stormy night with thunderclaps fast and frightening.

What else you can do:

Keep pets indoors: Draw the curtains and turn on the TV or radio for soothing music and to distract your pet’s attention. Place him in a safe and quiet place like his carrier.

Use a leash or carrier: If you are outdoors with your pug dog, keep him on a leash at all times.

Practice fire safety: Keep him away from fires, matches, petrol and fireworks. Out of curiosity, your Pug may sniff or eat firecrackers, causing great damage to him; while he may also inadvertently set fire to his coat by going too close to an open fire.

Accustom him to the sounds: Send your pet to the restroom before the fireworks begin, as he would otherwise be too frightened to eliminate once he sees the firecrackers display. This may also lead to an “accident.”

Don’t let go of his ID: Keep the information on his ID tags current and at hand. In case he is frightened and runs away, this will make it easy for the local authorities to locate him.

Speak to him gently: There are some brave pets who don’t seem perturbed by the sound and sight of fireworks. Others improve if their owners sit beside them, and speak to them gently and hold them while the noise is on, while others cannot be calmed down with soft soothing talk.

If left alone, these animals can hurt themselves or can even die out of fear. If they run out in the street, a moving car might hit them.

If the carrier doesn’t help calm your pet, give him a tranquilizer under your vet’s supervision. Herbal remedies such as Rescue Remedy are efficient enough in this regard.

Before dispensing medicines, your doctor, your Pug and you need to build a relationship of trust. So, if your pet and your vet haven’t met yet, set up an appointment so that your vet can check for any underlying heart or other problems.