Health Problems Of Teacup Yorkies

Know the health problems of  Teacup Yorkies!

Teacup Yorkie puppies are fun and cute pets. If you are considering to buy one, you need to understand there are some vital health considerations to be aware of.

Due to to their size, teacup Yorkie puppies may be attacked by other dogs who are larger. They won’t have much of a fighting chance against them either.

Many of them get injured due to falls or people stepping on them accidentally. The impact of a fall can be very serious.

The weight of a person stepping down on them can damage bones and even vital organs.

The long term effects of such incidents can vary from minor to quite severe.

Even if the teacup Yorkie puppies are well at birth, there can be some health concerns you will have to prepare for that aren’t hereditary.

Since they are such small dogs that don’t generally weight more than seven pounds they are more susceptible to some issues.

For example if they happen to consume poison they may not be able to recover from it.

Should they need surgery for some reason, such small dogs may not be able to tolerate the effects of the anesthesia.

There are certainly plenty of advertisements in newspapers and online for teacup Yorkie puppies.

It is very seldom that you will see them offered at rescue centers.

This means you should be prepared to pay quite a bit of money in order to get one.

When you are reviewing the teacup Yorkie puppies for sale, you need to be very picky about the breeder you work with.

You want to make sure they are taking good care of the dogs and they have a solid reputation for selling high quality teacup Yorkie puppies.

Reputable teacup Yorkshire terrier breeders understand the various health considerations they need to look for.

If they are seriously interested in offering quality puppies they will be careful about who they breed.

They will look at the health of each dog before they breed them. This way they are less likely to breed puppies with genetic links to common health problems.

Many of them also offer a guarantee with the teacup Yorkie puppies for sale.

They will have stipulations that state you can get a refund or exchange the puppy in a specific period of time if there are certain health conditions to be found.

This is an excellent guarantee that helps to build the credibility of the breeder.

Make sure such stipulations are provided to you in writing though so you can enforce them if you need to.

However, it is very important to understand that many teacup Yorkie terriers do end up with various types of birth defects.

They aren’t detected at birth or when they get their initial checkups though.

It may be much later in life that heart problems, tumors, and other hereditary health concerns are discovered by your veterinarian. You need to decide before you get such a pet if you are committed to paying for such care that may be required.

Teacup Yorkie puppies make great gifts and pets. If you are interested in getting one then chances are you are very excited about it.

To help ensure you get a healthy puppy though take your time to evaluate how they are raised and what their current health is.

The more information you gather the better chance you will have of getting one that is going to live a long and healthy life.