Avoiding Dog Food Allergies and Toxins

Picture taken from from www.wallpaperbase.com

Picture taken from from www.wallpaperbase.com

Sunday, February 23, 2014

From the desk of Sharda Baker.

Hi and welcome everyone!

This is Sharda with a wonderful newsletter about dog food allergies!

Here we go!

Always remember that not all foods that are suitable for humans are suitable for dogs. In fact, some of them can be dangerous and even fatal. Some will lead to dog food allergies and some will be much more harmful.

There may be numerous items around your home that could be attractive to dogs, but which could also be quite dangerous

Immediate action and treatment can help to reduce symptoms as well as prevent long term damage or even death.

This is just a sample of some commonly seen Dangerous items that Dogs could eat.

Apples-When dogs consume large amounts of fruits such as applies, and even apricots, these foods can be toxic to dogs. The most dangerous part of these foods are the seeds, leaves and stems.

This is because such fruits contain a compound that is similar to cyanide.

Signs of cyanide poisoning in your dog may include dilated pupils, apprehension, hyperventilation, difficulty breathing and shock.

When These Symptoms Are Present, You Should Seek Assistance From Your Vet

Amitraz-This is an insecticide that is present in certain brands of topical solutions and dog tick collars. Toxicity generally occurs in puppies who ingest the ingredient. In most cases, symptoms begin within just a few hours.

The dog will often become lethargic and weak. Vomiting and diarrhea may also be present. A coma can occur without treatment, as well as death. See your vet immediately for treatment.

Amphetamine-Human medications can be quite dangerous to dogs. Amphetamines are commonly used as appetite suppressants as well as to elevate the mood.

These medications can affect the nervous system and the brain. Toxic symptoms typically occur within a couple of hours and may include hyperactivity, restlessness, tremors and seizures.

Call the vet immediately for the best chance of recovery.

Amaryllis-Ingestion in a dog may result in depression, diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, lack of appetite, abdominal pain and drooling. Speak to your vet.

Aspirin-Aspirin can also be toxic to dogs. This is because dogs, especially young dogs, are not able to metabolize aspirin very quickly. It can result in difficulty with blood clotting.

Spontaneous bleeding may occur as a result as well as respiratory problems and kidney failure. When aspirin consumption is suspected, speak to your vet immediately.

Baking Powder and Baking Soda-Both of these items are leavening agents which make batter rise. When a dog consumes large amounts of either of these items, it can lead to abnormalities in the dog’s electrolytes.

Symptoms often include muscle spasm. See you vet immediately as this can cause congestive heart failure.

Chocolate-As most people know, chocolate can be fatal to a dog when consumed in large amounts. The reason that chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, can be fatal to dogs is the presence of caffeine as well as methylxanthine alkaloids and theobromine.

When we as humans eat chocolate we are able to digest and then later excrete these items within just a few hours. That is not the case with dogs. It can take much longer for dogs to excrete these items.

In some cases it can take as long as 18 hours. Symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting as well as muscle twitching, hyperactivity, restlessness, excessive panting and increased urination.

In severe cases, there may also be seizure activity. Speak to you vet immediately.

Cleaning Products-Household cleaners can be particularly dangerous and result in chemical burns, especially on the tongue and esophagus.

If you witness a dog eating cleaning products, you should immediately flush out the dog’s mouth with plenty of water. This can dilute the chemical and possibly reduce damage.

Be sure to also call your vet. If you did not witness the incident but suspect it, watch for signs such as excessive swallowing, pawing at the mouth, drooling and a lack of appetite.

Grapes-Many pet owners are not aware of it, but dogs can actually be poisoned by eating grape as well as raisins. Consumption of grapes and raisins by dogs can result in kidney failure.

Without treatment, a dog can die from consuming too many grapes and raisins. The amount depends on the size of the dog. The best chance of survival is to speak to the vet immediately any time a dog eats large amounts of raisins or grapes.

Herbal Medications-Herbal medications can be great for humans, but certain ones dangerous for dogs. Common side effects include vomiting and diarrhea.

Iron-Iron can be important to the production of red blood cells in appropriate amounts. It is frequently included in vitamins and various supplements. When ingested in large amounts it can result in overdose, causing heart and liver damage.

Signs commonly begin to show up within a few hours. One of the most common problems with this type of poisoning is the fact that dogs may appear better after better after a little while; however, stomach upset will common return along with liver failure, shock and possibly even coma.

This is why it is imperative that you contact your vet immediately if you suspect your dog has ingested iron.

Lead-Lead poisoning can be dangerous to dogs as well as people. Several different sources can lead to ingestion of leading, including paint. Lead poisoning can result in diarrhea, vomiting and seizures.

A mother dog with lead poisoning can also excrete it in her milk to puppies. Speak to your vet if you suspect lead poisoning

Signs of toxic poisoning include depression, weakness, tremors, vomiting, problems walking, lameness, abdominal pain and stiffness. Generally, symptoms disappear within 24 hours. If symptoms are severe, you should speak with your vet.

Mistletoe-Eating this plant can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting. It can also cause respiratory problems and death when a lot of mistletoe is eaten. Call your vet immediately.

Signs may not be apparent right away but may appear a few days later. Dogs who consume large amounts of onion or garlic may develop severe anemia and die without treatment.

Poinsettia-Irritation to the mouth and stomach are common when this plant is ingested. Vomiting may also occur. Generally, this plant has a low level of toxicity and symptoms should disappear soon.

Spoiled Food-Mouldy or spoiled food can also be dangerous to dogs. Unfortunately, most dogs have a tendency to get into the trash. Medical problems can occur when dogs consume food that is spoiled.

Like humans, dogs can also come down with food poisoning. Certain moulds can produce tremors in dogs. Other symptoms may include vomiting and diarrhea. If symptoms persist, speak with the vet.

Remember that there are also many non-food items within your home to which your dog may gain access that can cause problems. The best course of action if you think that your dog has gained access to an item that could be dangerous is to check the labelling information.

Some products will even discuss possible pet toxicity. Do not hesitate to call if there is an 800 number on the package. You should also contact your veterinarian. Remember to take all packaging with you to the vet.

I hope you learned a lot from today’s dog food newsletter.

I will be back for more!

Warmest regards,
Sharda Baker