Picture taken from www.puppydogweb.com
This is Sharda again with another Basset Hound newsletter!
Today, let’s talk about your Basset Hound nutritional requirements!
Did you know that sost homemade food does not have enough calories, calcium, vitamins and micro minerals your Basset Hound needs but have more protein and phosphorus.
So what does your Basset Hound really needs?
Well, don’t worry because we will be talking about that today!
Let’s start shall we?
Your Basset dog needs a certain amount and number of nutrients if he is to be healthy. A high fiber diet may not be mandatory but your Basset Hound does need some dietary fiber for his bowel movements.
Fiber can help reduce his weight, if he is obese. Adult Basset dogs should get about 2.5%- 4.5% fiber.
However, low-cal dog foods contain about 9%-10% fiber, given usually for weight control. A high fiber diet also helps control blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
Too much can prevent other nutrients from being absorbed and may lead to diarrhea. The pet food may also lose its flavour and stop being palatable. Low starch foods like wheat and oat bran and barley products are high in fiber.
High starch foods like rice and dried potatoes are low in fiber.
Your Basset Hound needs amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Though there are 10 amino acids, your pet’s body does not make this nutrient.
Taurine is not present in sufficient quantity in dry pet food but he can compensate for its loss by being on a diet of lamb without rice bran.
Lack of taurine may cause a form of heart enlargement called dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM). Dogs can have a wide variety of foods, different in texture, ingredients and form.
Animal protein is what they love but you can give your pet a vegetarian diet, which is supplemented. Your pet should get about 10% of his energy from protein. An adult Basset dog requires about 50% more.
When you check pet foods, do not go by the %age of protein mentioned. That is no indication of quality. Ordinary dog foods use cheaper quality.
Minerals are very important to build your Basset puppies’ nutritional levels. He needs 12 minerals. Calcium is absolutely important for his bones and teeth.
It also works as a signal between two nerve cells. Translucent teeth that are almost pink, badly formed bones, bowlegs and knee joints are caused by the deficiency of this mineral.
Fractured bones are also the result.
Basset Puppies who have been born of mothers who are malnourished or been fed a diet of meat and bread could suffer from these problems.
A diet with meat and bread is low in calcium and has more phosphorus than necessary. Too much phosphorus prevents calcium from being absorbed.
Magnesium is needed for muscles and nerve cells. It is also necessary for bones and teeth. Basset Dogs that lack magnesium are thin and have problems with mobility later on in life.
If your Basset Hound is a normal healthy adult weighing about 16 kg, he needs about 1000 kilocalories a day. In dog foods, you can find them in cereals, legumes and other plant products.
If the Basset dog is sick or hurt, he needs to double this quantity. As he grows into an adult, your Basset Hound will need roughly double the quantity of calories of a pup.
Lactating dogs need four times this quantity. Older and less energetic dogs can do with 20% less. Young puppies need about twice as many calories for every pound of their weight as an adult.
The rule is that you don’t need to supplement your pet’s food. If you are feeding him a good, nutritious meal, then he should be getting his dose of vitamins.
Some even say supplements are bad. However, there is the other side of the case and some breeders do give their Basset dogs some supplements for a healthy coat and good bones.
To give his dry skin some moisture, add a teaspoon of corn oil or add bones to his diet for some extra calcium.
Calcium however, must be in the correct proportion with phosphorus and magnesium in the diet.
Otherwise it could lead to problems. Perhaps Vitamin C is one supplement that dogs do not need since your pet’s body manufactures it.
In fact, excess Vitamin C may harm the kidneys. Sometimes, though an animal may need some supplements: when he is old or sick, or has just had surgery.
Very hardworking dogs too may need them.
The lack of vitamins can cause a few disorders. Basically organic compounds, vitamins are required for a number of metabolic activities.
Your Basset Hound needs some in low doses. Vitamin A, for instance can be toxic if an excessive amount is fed.
It is good for the eyes, skin, and the mucus membrane structure. Naturally, a lack of this vitamin can lead to problems.
In addition, Vitamin D is good for his bones and prevents rickets; Vitamin E protects the body from oxidation and free radicals; and Vitamin E is good for his coat.
That’s it for today!
I hope that you learned something important today!
All the best and take care.
Sharda Baker