Golden Retrievers

golden retrieverGolden Retrievers – What Everyone Should Know about This Beloved Breed

The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They were originally bred to retrieve birds and other hunting game, but now they have become seeing-eye dogs and police dogs. Many Hollywood celebrities own a Golden Retriever, such as Tom Cruise, Jackie Chan, and Pamela Anderson. This breed has also been featured in many films, commercials, and television shows.

Description and General Appearance
The trademark of all Golden Retrievers is their long, water-resistant golden coat. This breed has long tails, dark brown eyes, and strong forequarters and hindquarters that allow them to run fast. This is a medium-sized dog and has a straight snout.

Basic Temperament
It is the Golden Retriever temperament that has made this breed a popular family dog. This dog gets along with everyone in the family, including the family cat. They are also confident, lovable, charming, and love to please their masters. A Golden Retriever barks whenever he senses a stranger or visitor arrive at the front door, but he never displays any aggressive behavior.

Care Required
Those who own Golden Retrievers should remember to brush their dog’s fur every week to help lessen the amount of fur that the dog sheds. Unlike some dogs, a Golden Retriever doesn’t need to be bathed or groomed often (aside from those weekly brushing sessions). Owners should also avoid giving their dog too much food; an overweight Golden Retriever is more prone to arthritis and heart problems.

Exercise Requirements
This breed needs a daily walk or a game of fetch to stop them from becoming too hyperactive. Owners should train their Golden Retrievers to heel (i.e. walk beside or behind them) whenever they go out for a walk or a jog. This active dog also likes swimming and retrieving sticks, Frisbees, and other objects. Golden Retriever puppies, on the other hand, should not be exposed to strenuous activities such as hiking and jogging, because this can harm their bones.

Training Tips
Training Golden Retrievers is easy, as long as the owner has established himself as the leader of the family. Reward training methods are the best way to train this breed. Owners can give their dog his favorite treat or toy whenever he follows their command. Clicker training techniques are also a good way to train Golden Retrievers; owners teach their dog to respond to the sound of a clicker by giving him a reward, and then follow this with a specific action that they want their dog to associate with the sound.

Height and Weight
A female Golden Retriever is 51 to 56 centimeters tall, while a male Golden Retriever is 56 to 61 centimeters tall. Adult males are considerably heavier than the females; the former can weigh as much as 36 kilograms.

Health and Longevity
A normal Golden Retriever life span can be as long as 11 ½ years. This breed is susceptible to several genetic disorders, and is prone to obesity and hip dysplasia, among others. Owners should make sure they know the common diseases that affect this breed, as well as what they can do to prevent their dogs from coming down with these health problems.

Suitability As a Pet
Golden Retrievers are the fourth most popular breed in the United States, which shows just how suitable this dog is as a pet. This breed makes a good companion for people living alone and for families with kids. However be aware that owners need to spend a lot of time with their Golden Retriever to stop itfrom becoming depressed or lonely.

For more information about Golden Retrievers, check out the highly recommended A- Z Guide To A Happy, Healthy & Well Behaved Golden Retriever package today!

Other Informative Articles:

• SAVE 42% off the normal price of DIY Dog Training for Golden Retrievers
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How To Find Dog Health Insurance for Your Golden Retriever
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They contain some great Golden Retriever information.

All the best.

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