Is the Papillon for you?

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From the desk of Sharda Baker.

Hi and Welcome Everyone!

This is Sharda with another Papillon newsletter!

The ultimate question: Is the Papillon for you?

Let’s start!

Before going out and buying a Papillon Dog or any other breed of dog, you should make sure you have done your research and found a dog that matches your lifestyle and personality.

You need to evaluate the type of lifestyle you are living, and what is important to you when choosing a pet to fit into it.

If you are looking for an aggressive dog to take hunting in the woods, then a Papillon isn’t for you.

Prospective owners of Papillons should list the qualities they are looking for in a dog and then compare them to the personality, temperament and traits of the breed.

Some good questions to keep in mind when deciding on a Papillon are:

  • What size will the Papillon grow to be?
  • Are the Papillon high or low maintenance?
  • When does a Papillon start to act like an adult dog?
  • How protective are Papillons?
  • Should a Papillon be an only ‘child’ or do they get along well with other animals?
  • Can a Papillon be left at home alone and for how long?
  • Does a Papillon need a lot of exercise or very little?
  • What training methods work best on a Papillon?
  • What if any health problems could a Papillon possibly develop?

Papillons are extremely smart little dogs that excel in obedience and agility. Papillons, like any other breed, will have their own individual personalities.

There are stubborn and sweet natured Papillons, along with serious ones and ones that are funny and love to entertain.

Some Papillons love everyone, while others are very introverted or more protective of their families.

Because of their tiny size, they are easy to carry around and suitable for apartment living. The Papillon does not require a lot of exercise, but loves to show off his agility,y and will adjust to being an apartment dog or a house dog.

Papillons are sometimes difficult to housetrain. Crate training is recommended for Papillons, and the crate can be used as a place for the dog or puppy to go and relax or rest.

Because of their tiny size they are really not a good pet for very small children, as the children don’t realize how fragile these tiny little dogs can be.

Papillon dogs are extremely people orientated, and love spending time playing or just being cuddled by their family.

Considerations of the Papillon’s size
The tiny Papillon is fragile because he is a toy breed and very small. This should play a major factor in your decision to get a Papillon, as they can be seriously hurt or injured if they are stepped on, sat on, or are encouraged to leap from your arms or off the furniture.

Due to their fine bone structure they are fragile and need constant supervision when they are indoors and only be allowed outdoors if you have a safely fenced yard or on a leash.

If you do purchase a Papillon puppy you have to make sure that it gets lots of exposure to unusual sights and sounds and people, or they may become shy or suspicious.

Puppy kindergarten and socialization classes can be very beneficial to the dog.
Many Papillons will bark at every new sound or sight, which means you need to be prepared to train them to stop barking on command.

That’s it for today.

Hope you learned something.

I’ll be back for more about Papillons.

Until then!

All the best and take care.

Sharda Baker