DIY Dog Training

dog trainingDIY Dog Training – Basic Things You Should Know

DIY dog training – that may be your best alternative. For one, you don’t have to spend a single cent if you do it yourself. On the contrary, hiring a professional dog trainer will cost hundreds of dollars. Second, DIY dog training schedules can be adjusted to fit in with your commitments depending on your availability. Third, personally training your dog is an opportunity for you to learn something new. It’s a good activity that can sharpen your mind.

It’s an easy thing to do when your heart is in it. It may be a daunting task at first, but soon you will find joy in everything that the dog will learn. Start out with the right attitude.

Having the Right Attitude
Puppies take pleasure in satisfying their owners. They take pride in it. Therefore, training your dog shouldn’t be dull and irritating.

• Be generous. Give your puppy lots of encouragement. Employ positive reinforcement such as heaping up praises or giving rewards. Make him feel like a winner.
You might consider this absurd, but wouldn’t it be alright to give yourself a pat on the back after every milestone of learning?

• Expect to succeed even if it is taking too long. You are dealing with a dog and dogs have smaller brains. It’s a lot harder than teaching humans to add two and three. Be patient and never give up.

• It should be fun. Enjoy the training moments.

Training Your Puppy: DIY Dog Training Basics
It may not be necessary that he is able to do everything perfectly the way you want. Teach him only the basic things. He should at least learn:

• To lie down or sleep where he should. With a few familiar commands, he would know he isn’t at the right place.
• To keep from barking unnecessarily. He should learn to keep his mouth shut at sleeping time and immediately cease barking at visitors when prompted to do so.
• Not to scatter his food. Designate a place as his eating spot, preferably outside the house.
• Not to growl at anyone for the wrong reasons. Pat or spank him lightly on the mouth, and say “no” with authority, every time he makes a displeasing sound to your children, or even you. Dogs can control their emotions and recognize authority when your actions are consistent.

Shaking hands, lying down, standing up, getting that ball and turning around – he can learn these simple dog tricks. However, there are DIY dog training techniques that you should learn first. Buy a dog training manual. Or, search online for free training instructions, guides and tips.

Potty Training
Be guided by this common observation about dog peeing and pooping: Dogs get to release in the same spot. Call it “the scent”. That familiar odor may be that of other dogs, or their own. Theirs or not, every time they get to smell this, they feel that strong urge to release.
Dogs should not be allowed to release inside the house. Clean up (let him watch you cleaning his wastes) with the intention of completely erasing any trace of “the scent”. Use vinegar or chlorine-based bleaches. A good Potty Training Guide will give you all the information needed to effectively house train your dog.

DIY Dog Training for Safety
Safety training is a must to keep your dog alive. Familiarizing him with the environment around will help to keep him from falling down slopes, away from running vehicles and off food packages that he may encounter outside the home.

For more information about DIY Dog Training, check out the highly recommended Complete DIY Training Program today!

Other Informative Articles:

Dog Hyperactivity – Causes And Tips On How To Handle It
Bad Dog Behavior – Useful Tips On How To Deal With Begging Dogs
Unpleasant Dog Behaviour – Dog Humping And How To Prevent It

They contain some great DIY Dog Training information.

All the best.

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